Abstract submission deadline for oral presentation is expired.
It is still possible to submit abstract for poster session.
Abstract should be sent via e-mail to canini@uniroma2.it
Rules for submission:
• All abstracts must be submitted and presented in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling of a quality suitable for publication.
• Only abstracts of presenting authors who have paid their registration fees by the established deadline will be scheduled for presentation and included in the ApiEcoFlora 2014 information material.
• Authors may indicate in their submission if they wish to present their abstract orally or as a poster in the dedicated session
• The Scientific Programme Committee will review abstracts and information regarding acceptance and presentation will be sent to the author via the E-mail address provided with the abstract submission.
• Abstracts that cannot be allocated to oral presentations may be included in the poster sessions.
Full details for the preparation of the oral presentations will be sent to authors upon acceptance.
The poster stand dimensions are: 100 cm (height) x 70 cm (width). Authors are responsible for bringing their posters to the Symposium. Please do not mail them to the Symposium Secretariat.Basic content of abstracts for submission:
2) Abstract title (Times New Roman 14pt)
3) Author or authors’ names: name (first name) and surname (family name) (Times New Roman 11pt)
4) Affiliation details of all authors: department, institution, city, state (if relevant), country (Times New Roman 11pt italics)
5) Full contact address (Times New Roman 11pt Bold)
6) Abstract text – limited to 500 words/ 3,500 characters (Times New Roman 12pt)

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- Fax+39.06.6852287
- Mailinfo@apiecoflora.org
- Webwww.apiecoflora.org
FAI-Federazione Apicoltori Italiani