Marco Maria D’Andrea, Pasquale Marmo, Lucia Henrici De Angelis, Mattia Palmieri, Nagaia Ciacci, Gustavo Di Lallo, Elisa Demattè, Elisa Vannuccini, Pietro Lupetti, Gian Maria Rossolini & Maria Cristina Thaller
The pandemic dissemination of KPC carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae (KPC-KP) represents a major public health problem, given their extensive multidrug resistance profiles and primary role in causing healthcare-associated infections. This phenomenon has largely been contributed by strains of Clonal Group (CG) 258, mostly of clade II, which in some areas represent the majority of KPC-KP isolates. Here we have characterized a newly discovered lytic Podoviridae, named φBO1E, targeting KPC-KP strains of clade II lineage of CG258. Genomic sequencing revealed that φBO1E belongs to the Kp34virus genus (87% nucleotide identity to vB_KpnP_SU552A). ΦBO1E was stable over a broad pH and temperature range, exhibited strict specificity for K. pneumoniae strains of clade II of CG258, and was unable to establish lysogeny. In a Galleria mellonella infection model, φBO1E was able to protect larvae from death following infection with KPC-KP strains of clade II of CG258, including one colistin resistant strain characterized by a hypermucoviscous phenotype. To our best knowledge φBO1E is the first characterized lytic phage targeting K. pneumoniae strains of this pandemic clonal lineage. As such, it could be of potential interest to develop new agents for treatment of KPC-KP infections and for decolonization of subjects chronically colonized by these resistant superbugs.
Università di Tor Vergata