
Seminari del Dipartimento di Biologia


locandina 3
lectio Fabrizio Loreni
locandina 4
locandina 5
Microsoft Word - locandina.docx
Microsoft Word - locandina.docx
Microsoft Word - locandina.docx
Microsoft Word - locandina_8.docx
Microsoft Word - locandina_7.docx
Microsoft Word - locandina_6.docx
Microsoft Word - locandina_5.docx
geometria efenomenologia del vivente
Microsoft Word - locandina_4.docx
Microsoft Word - locandina_4.docx
Microsoft Word - locandina_2.docx
Microsoft Word - locandina_3.docx

Lucia Latella (Cnr) 2 – 2/5/2017

DNA damage signaling mediates the functional antagonism between replicative senescence and terminal muscle differentiation.

Lucia Latella (Cnr) 1- 2/5/2017

DNA damage signaling mediates the functional antagonism between replicative senescence and terminal muscle differentiation.

Oreste Segatto (IFO Roma) 4/4/2017

Coupling catalytic inhibition of RTKs to their enhanced degradation: insights from cell regulation and tentative design of rationale-based cancer therapies