Category "Avvisi e Bandi"

There are 157 results found

The molecular and ultrastructural organisation of the Cvt vesicle: a prototype of selective autophagy vesicle

   Venerdì 4 marzo 2016 ore 12:00  - Aula Seminari Dipartimento di Biologia      Chiara Bertipaglia   (EMBL, Heidelberg – Germany)     The molecular and ultrastructural organisation of the Cvt vesicle: a prototype of selective autophagy vesicle     […]

Genome and network visualization facilitates the analyses of the effects of drugs and mutations on protein-protein and drug-protein networks

    Arnaud Ceol (Center for Genomic Science of IIT@SEMM, Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Milano) Genome and network visualization facilitates the analyses of the effects of drugs and mutations on protein-protein and drug-protein networks Aula Seminari Dipartimento di Biologia Venerdì […]

Adaptive remodeling of the bacterial proteome by specific ribosomal modification regulates Pseudomonas infection and niche colonisation

Martedì 23 febbraio 2016 ore 15:00  -  Aula Seminari – Dipartimento di Biologia      Lucia Grenga (Molecular Microbiology Department, John Innes Centre, Norwich Research Park England)    ”Adaptive remodeling of the bacterial proteome by specific ribosomal modification regulates Pseudomonas […]

Seminario: Small molecules-protein interaction by 1H and 19F NMR screening
